Fröschbach 61, 8117 Fällanden
Make an appointment:
044 548 48 00
How to find us
Zentralstrasse 10, 8304 Wallisellen
Fröschbach 61, 8117 Fällanden
044 548 48 00
How to find us
Zentralstrasse 10, 8304 Wallisellen
Dear patients
Welcome to my Orthodontic practices located near Zurich, in Fällanden and Wallisellen. My name is Manja Nido and I am an English speaking orthodontist. It is my aim to accompany children, adolescents and adults with competence and commitment to their personal and harmonic smile. I am specialized in the prevention and correction of irregularities of the teeth and jaws.
I have studied dentistry in Germany and absolved a part of my orthodontic training at the Guy's Hospital in London. Following official recognition as a specialized orthodontist in 2006 I worked in specialized dental offices limited to orthodontics in Great Britain and Germany before I opened my orthodontic office in Switzerland.
My treatment range includes removable and fixed braces. Removable appliances e.g. expansion plates and functional orthodontic appliances such as bionator, activator and twin block are frequently used in mixed dentition. They can take influence on the regular growth of the jaws, the development of a correct position of the teeth in the upper and lower jaw and correct a "bad bite". The fixed appliance is most frequently used to align teeth as it makes complicated tooth movements possible. With ceramic brackets or transparent aligners like Invisalign® misaligned teeth can be corrected almost "invisibly".
Our modern practice provides a digital X-ray machine which works with only a part of the conventional dose of radiation. With our 3D dental scanner we are able to create 3D images of your teeth within minutes. This procedure is very accurate and comfortable as no physical impressions are needed.
My orthodontic practices are centrally located in Fällanden and Wallisellen. They can be easily reached by public transport or by car and provide parking nearby.
If you are not completely happy with the alignment of your teeth, please contact me for a check and an individual proposal for correction.
Please find more information on www.kieferorthopaedie-nido.ch.
We look forward to seeing you.
Dr. Manja NidoSpecialist Orthodontist